Find kinky women in Sierra Vista

I’m a sub that really enjoys being a good girl about 95% of the time. I have a Daddy that I’m in a situationship with, but am free to see other people. I really enjoy being submissive, there’s just something really freeing about it. Because my Daddy doesn’t have as much free time as I do, I’m looking for someone to play with while he is otherwise occupied.
Female (43) Sierra Vista, Arizona
INFP ENM I am looking for something longer term and would like to find a partner but at the moment I am solo poly I am sick of games and people twisting up my feelings so please be honest with me I'll always be honest with you... ask me anything but be aware if the first thing out of your mouth is uncomfortably sexual I will not play along I am not an object and I'm tired of being treated as such.
Female (33) Sierra Vista, Arizona
# _**NOT LOOKING**_. I HAVE A DOM. I wondering why all the "hoops" to jump thru just to talk to me, there's a LOT of disrespectful people out there. I am currently only getting online here to talk to those I have made friendships with. If you are starting the convo by being rude, I may give you a chance to behave, or I may block you immediately. You take that chance by being rude right out the gate. Manners count! Ok, so... looks like I have to rearrange a few things to stave off issues... If your first message to me is insulting, sexual, or just a "hi" and expecting me to carry the conversation do NOT be surprised by lack of rewards for your efforts. Don't be surprised if "I want to know more about you" is met with silence. I'm not guessing what you want to know. Ask. I'm not word vomiting personal info for strangers. _**I will not give access to my gallery until I feel safe with you.**_ Seriously? Ask me within the first few messages for access to my gallery, or IMMEDIATELY asking why you can't access or I don't have a face pic showing you are shooting yourself in the foot. That's ignoring a stated boundary, and pushing it. If you consider yourself a Dom, you know better than that. Trying to get access to my gallery and never even talked to me? That's creep behavior imo. Just because we may converse a little, does not mean I am interested. If you ask me some questions and talk to me, I will most likely reply unless you are being a creep. If you respect my boundaries, we'll be good. If you want a chance at me I have to be able to trust you. Behaviors that make me mentally question whether or not you are safe within the first few interactions does NOT set a good tone. While I am not experienced in the physical realm as a sub, I have been active online with some long D/S relationships, some lasting over a year. Before that tho, I spent a LOT of time educating myself. I went to quite a few educational events where Dom/mes talked about their craft, various kinks, gave demonstrations, etc. I also have friends who have been in the lifestyle for a LONG time, who's brains I would pick when ever I thought of some new angle to examine things from or just felt like I needed some advice. I am not the kind to jump into things quickly. I like to have an idea what I am getting myself into. There has to be some trust built for me to be willing to even meet with someone. Blame crazies who I have had to deal with in the past. I am an ally, in all the ways that means. If you don't know what I am talking about, I am most likely not for you. I won't share pics immediately, and opening a convo asking about my kinks, interests, etc in the bedroom shows me you aren't someone I can feel safe with. I have become VERY good at walking away from those who may be harmful to me. Let that be your warning. Too many men think just because they like to be rough and controlling of their partner it makes them a Dom. It does not. Some men are attracted to the lifestyle and want to learn, while others want to use the lifestyle as a cover for abuse. Weeding out the abusers and finding the real Doms is always a task, that sometimes takes time. My motto in life is: The only true death is when we stop learning. Some interests: Music TTRPG's(D&D is the most widely known right now if you are wondering what a TTRPG is) Video games Board games Art of various mediums Books. Haven't read near as many as I would like in the last several years, but there have been times in my life when you couldn't get my nose OUT of a book. I'm a research hound. Known to go on deep dives randomly. Also known to look up things people around me ask about and have multiple helpful links in moments. **A few things of note:** I can seem a bit flaky. I have some chronic illnesses that can hit at random and can range from taking me out of being able to do anything out of the house for the day, to being unable to get out of bed. Sometimes I am just busy with appointments for several days, then recovering. It's not fun, nor is it fun to talk about. I would rather get that knowledge of my life out of the way, so if someone has issues with it, they can keep moving. TL;DR: If you didn't read all my info, I'm Demisexual. I HAVE to have an attraction to your mind, as well as an emotional connection to get anywhere near a bedroom. Friends are always welcome. (P.S. my private pics aren't naughty. Just protecting my face pic until I feel safe with you because of rl issues. If you want to push me about sharing? Save us both the time and don't message me.)
Female (49) Sierra Vista, Arizona

New members in Sierra Vista

I’m a sub that really enjoys being a good girl about 95% of the time. I have a Daddy that I’m in a situationship with, but am free to see other people. I really enjoy being submissive, there’s just something really freeing about it. Because my Daddy doesn’t have as much free time as I do, I’m looking for someone to play with while he is otherwise occupied.
Female (43) Sierra Vista, Arizona
INFP ENM I am looking for something longer term and would like to find a partner but at the moment I am solo poly I am sick of games and people twisting up my feelings so please be honest with me I'll always be honest with you... ask me anything but be aware if the first thing out of your mouth is uncomfortably sexual I will not play along I am not an object and I'm tired of being treated as such.
Female (33) Sierra Vista, Arizona
# _**NOT LOOKING**_. I HAVE A DOM. I wondering why all the "hoops" to jump thru just to talk to me, there's a LOT of disrespectful people out there. I am currently only getting online here to talk to those I have made friendships with. If you are starting the convo by being rude, I may give you a chance to behave, or I may block you immediately. You take that chance by being rude right out the gate. Manners count! Ok, so... looks like I have to rearrange a few things to stave off issues... If your first message to me is insulting, sexual, or just a "hi" and expecting me to carry the conversation do NOT be surprised by lack of rewards for your efforts. Don't be surprised if "I want to know more about you" is met with silence. I'm not guessing what you want to know. Ask. I'm not word vomiting personal info for strangers. _**I will not give access to my gallery until I feel safe with you.**_ Seriously? Ask me within the first few messages for access to my gallery, or IMMEDIATELY asking why you can't access or I don't have a face pic showing you are shooting yourself in the foot. That's ignoring a stated boundary, and pushing it. If you consider yourself a Dom, you know better than that. Trying to get access to my gallery and never even talked to me? That's creep behavior imo. Just because we may converse a little, does not mean I am interested. If you ask me some questions and talk to me, I will most likely reply unless you are being a creep. If you respect my boundaries, we'll be good. If you want a chance at me I have to be able to trust you. Behaviors that make me mentally question whether or not you are safe within the first few interactions does NOT set a good tone. While I am not experienced in the physical realm as a sub, I have been active online with some long D/S relationships, some lasting over a year. Before that tho, I spent a LOT of time educating myself. I went to quite a few educational events where Dom/mes talked about their craft, various kinks, gave demonstrations, etc. I also have friends who have been in the lifestyle for a LONG time, who's brains I would pick when ever I thought of some new angle to examine things from or just felt like I needed some advice. I am not the kind to jump into things quickly. I like to have an idea what I am getting myself into. There has to be some trust built for me to be willing to even meet with someone. Blame crazies who I have had to deal with in the past. I am an ally, in all the ways that means. If you don't know what I am talking about, I am most likely not for you. I won't share pics immediately, and opening a convo asking about my kinks, interests, etc in the bedroom shows me you aren't someone I can feel safe with. I have become VERY good at walking away from those who may be harmful to me. Let that be your warning. Too many men think just because they like to be rough and controlling of their partner it makes them a Dom. It does not. Some men are attracted to the lifestyle and want to learn, while others want to use the lifestyle as a cover for abuse. Weeding out the abusers and finding the real Doms is always a task, that sometimes takes time. My motto in life is: The only true death is when we stop learning. Some interests: Music TTRPG's(D&D is the most widely known right now if you are wondering what a TTRPG is) Video games Board games Art of various mediums Books. Haven't read near as many as I would like in the last several years, but there have been times in my life when you couldn't get my nose OUT of a book. I'm a research hound. Known to go on deep dives randomly. Also known to look up things people around me ask about and have multiple helpful links in moments. **A few things of note:** I can seem a bit flaky. I have some chronic illnesses that can hit at random and can range from taking me out of being able to do anything out of the house for the day, to being unable to get out of bed. Sometimes I am just busy with appointments for several days, then recovering. It's not fun, nor is it fun to talk about. I would rather get that knowledge of my life out of the way, so if someone has issues with it, they can keep moving. TL;DR: If you didn't read all my info, I'm Demisexual. I HAVE to have an attraction to your mind, as well as an emotional connection to get anywhere near a bedroom. Friends are always welcome. (P.S. my private pics aren't naughty. Just protecting my face pic until I feel safe with you because of rl issues. If you want to push me about sharing? Save us both the time and don't message me.)
Female (49) Sierra Vista, Arizona

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